
I’m so frustrated right now.  All week long I’ve been looking forward to this weekend.  Actually, the last TWO weeks.  Why?  Because I actually have it off of work, and because I have all kinds of new fitness stuff I want to try.

And this morning, upon waking early and not caring because I have stuff to do I happily stretched and threw the covers off and got up.

And almost screamed.  I was in so much pain.

A stupid stretch and my neck and upper back went to hell.  I can barely lift my head.  I have my TENS unit on, at 6!, and am desperate it will at least loosen me up enough to get one day of fitness out of this weekend.  And if I may do so, cuss- well, FUCK.

I know it seems like a little thing.  But I am so excited to be on a schedule for once.  I can’t put off workout days, because that’s not a part of my schedule.  I have a subscription to an awesome fitness video site, and strength site.  I actually have the time to try some new things.  Instead I’m sitting here with electricity shooting through my aching muscles and feeling sorry for myself.

I’m going to keep my fingers crossed that this gone by tomorrow.  I’ve had a lot of neck pain on and off in the past.  I tend to hold my shoulders up around my forehead all the time, and I also sleep on my stomach with my arms around my pillow.  All bad things for the neck.  Not to mention the constant teeth clenching, Ugh. I consciously focus on keeping my shoulders down and relaxed when I lift weights, and yet when I run they are hitched up and I have to remind myself to relax.  I so wish I didn’t do this.  I’m adding pilates and yoga to my routine every week.  I really hope that they help with this issue.

If anyone has any handy suggestions or tips on how to prevent that, or you know, make this all go away (-?- I know, I know, if wishes were fishes…)

Today’s agenda is radically different now.  I did have a great strength plan all set up and then some ballet/Pilates fusion for an hour.  Instead, I’m going to go and try and find some Bodyglide, a pair of lose running shorts to go over my compression shorts, and a small palm held water bottle.  I also need to grab some paint chips, and tidy up the house.


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