Weigh Day & New Workout Room Floor

I laid in bed hoping I wouldn’t have to step on the scale.  Why does it fill me with so much dread I wonder?  Oh right, because I ate like a douche on the weekend despite being so good during the week.  I’ve been striving to not have a ‘cheat’ day – kinda defeats the purpose doesn’t it?  Instead, I’ve decided to plan ONE treat.  If I know I can have ONE treat during the week outside of my calories – or if I can fit it in all the better! – than it won’t feel so restrictive.

This weekend I am going to have a small bowl of mint chip ice cream from M&M’s.  YUM!  I think I’ll have it on Sunday night.  The theory is if I KNOW this treat is coming, I have something to look forward to.  Let’s see how it goes shall we?

I wish I didn’t like food so much.  And you know, it’s not even the fact that I like food I think, so much as I just cram it in my face without tasting it when I’m stressed out or bored.  Usually it’s carbs – chips, cereal, granola bars, etc.  My nighttime snack after work is a small bowl of cheerios, and I find that makes me feel nice and satiated before bed.  And a cup of tea.  It’s a far cry from before when I’d come home from work and mow down a meal and then a bag of chips.  And then go to bed feeling like total hell.

Anyway, on to the dirty:

  • Weight loss last week: 3 lbs!  I did something right last week than? Yes!
  • Calories: High – ugh, Saturday I was a douche, probably like 2400 Low: 1283 Average: 1465
  • Favourite food:  STILL my favourite sandwich’s sadly – grilled chicken or turkey BLT.
  • Feeling:  Pretty good about it.

My exercise break down goes like this:

  1. 5 days of riding my bike back and forth to work
  2. 4 days of running totaling 10 miles
  3. 3 days of one hour strength sessions
  4. 2 days of cross-training videos

A total of about 9 hours of deliberate exercise.  I say deliberate because I do not consider cutting the grass, walking the dog, or cleaning the house exercise in my tracking like some do.  It’s totally cool if people want to do that I think, but I just consider that a part of my normal daily burn or an added bonus!


I am HAPPY there’s a new floor in my exercise space downstairs.  We used to have a grungy carpet in the basement.  I have an excellent high quality mat, but even though it’s huge it wasn’t always big enough and my shoes would get stuck on the carpeting at inopportune moments.  Now I have a nice carpet free space to workout on!

workout room – approx 10 ft by 15

The floor is called fiber floor, and it’s actually wonderful on the feet for the barefoot Pilates/ballet fusion class videos I’ve been doing.  It’s also so much easier to clean up with three cats!  They don’t hang out in there very much anymore as it’s not soft carpeting to shed all over, so I don’t mind!

And what’s a workout without my orange little helper chewing on something or other?

Loki – I love this asshead.